Tickled by the Pickle

The sound drew me in.semaglutide weight loss It was softer than a thunder clap and louder than a sledgehammer on a spike but when the paddle hit that ball – I was instantly captivated, drawn like a moth to a flame.ipamorelin cjc 1295 Peptide Four people on a badminton court with a very low net. They were positioned like strategic pawns holding rectangular paddles, two standing outside the court at the base line on one side and on the other side, one person stood in the middle half of the court while the other stood past the base line on the other side as ready to receive a serve. I was right and the game was on and it was fast with sharp hits and another loud slap spike.Bpc 157 Peptide Now some folks are happy to ease into a sedentary life once they hit the golden age of 50 but not me. I went searching for something fun. It needed to be a little competitive, and requiring familiar athletic skills but something not too stressful on my aging joints and just the right quantity of rules as not to overwhelm my cognitive synapses. The sport of Pickleball was everything I had hoped for and more.

The Basics

Before you step out onto the court, it is important to know that Pickleball has varying skill levels, it is an activity for all ages, and you can choose singles, doubles, or mixed doubles. Equipment is minimal but essential. Footwear should be cross-trainer or tennis shoes with non-marking, durable flat souls that provide stability for side-to-side movement and the paddle you use should be light enough to present you both tactile options and power. Flexibility is imperative an important aspect of any fitness activity. Maintain your optimal functional efficiency by warming up all muscles, joints and ligaments for greater ease of movement, enhanced skill performance, and less chance of injury – Remember that short tight muscles limit movement and become sore when they perform physical activity. Every athlete knows the importance of having water readily available and Pickleball is no exception, hydration will be imperative due to the physical demands.