Exercise Does Lower Blood Pressure!

Can you “walk off” your high blood pressure with an investment of just two hours a week? Read the results of this exciting new study…

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.Over the Counter Diet Pills If your numbers aren’t at 140/90 or below, you’ve got it. What do you get with it? A massively increased risk of having stroke – high blood pressure is the #1 cause of that disabling condition – and heart disease.

The good news is that many studies have shown that a combination of exercise, stress reduction and a change in dietary habits can reduce that pressure as well as better than those drugs.

Now there’s even better news.Wegovy reviews A ground-breaking new study offers conclusive proof that just engaging in a regular exercise programme can drop your numbers enough to pretty much make those drugs unnecessary.

Got 2 Hours a Week?

That’s all it took. The researchers started out with 27 overweight, out-of-shape men with mild hypertension, weaned them off any blood-pressure medications they were taking and broke them into two groups.

One group did the real exercise: a half-hour of “fast walking,” jogging and/or stationary cycling four times a week at 65 to 80 per cent of their maximum heart rate.

The men in the other group did a fake exercise.Gut Health Supplements They did “slow calisthenics and stretching” for an equal amount of time, but their heart rate stayed below 60 per cent of the maximum.

Heart rate was carefully monitored in both groups of men so that the researchers could be certain the real exercisers were keeping theirs above 65 per cent and those doing the fake workout stayed below 60 per cent. (If they moved out of those ranges, an alarm sounded!) This “proof of exercise intensity” makes this study fairly unique.